The damn thing mashti
The damn thing mashti

maybe to do with factions that Ashlander's don't like, such as the Temple or the Imperial Legion and such. perhaps even threeway arguments between the player and the two of them over quest. Julan has his own slant on events, I guess its just figuring out what she'd say about it in contrast. Thanks to theskymoves, a couple suggestions from Okida, and my old post on a possible Bloodmoon segment idea has been revived. ) Maybe instead the Ashlander you ask could dare the player to go discuss it with Ahmabi, or a different Ashlander could approach saying Ahmabi has heard that you're asking things you shouldn't be around the camp, and demands an audience with you. (That being go make friends in the Ashkhan's Yurt. As I mentioned to you in a PM once, the Ahemussa tribesmen and the Player Journal entirely mislead me on what to do after asking them about Mashti by making me think of doing the opposite of what I should really do next. I already have everything mixed up enough from that run-in with those clanfears. Right when you accept Julan as a student, he could have one more line of dialogue saying "By the way, please don't mess with my gear right now. But maybe some more subtle hints or changes in dialogue could help. In hindsight, while things might have been confusing then, now I can't see it being done any other way then it already is for the most part. * On the subject of "Why doesn't Julan have Companion Share right out of the Box/I can't progess in the Main Quest because I need to do something with Julan and I'll be danged if I can figure out WTF it is!" But I think she said somewhere that the animation file was already in Vanilla Morrowind though.) (If there happens to be a dancing animation modder resource lying around. I have it from a reliable source that Shani likes to dance. (He really should stop making wagers and promises if he knows what's good for him. Julan still promised a wedding to romanced players. Which sounds like something Ashlanders would probably rely on alot.) If that was possible, an excuse to use spells with them could be that they're imaginary hand signals. (Shame you can't assign a specific animation to a specific spell from what I hear. While it wouldn't make sense, it would be convenient to be able to have basic spell control with Julan or Shani. It'd also cut back on my awkward conversations with guards if Julan was not unintentionally lootable whenever he passes out. The earlier idea that people have mentioned about making the Telepathy Rings not actually equip at all when you use them appeals to me too. (Or I need to warm up to them in Crassius' case. (Most I'll ever do is 1 Great House, 1 Western Guild, 1 Religious Group, EEC, + Required MQ factions.) So I usually end up having to bribe alot after that point, which is inconveniently right when I need to get alot of important people to warm up to me. Especially since I never invest in Speechcraft and only thing I ever do for Personality stat is the occasional Lady Birthsign, and since unlike alot of people I don't join alot of factions usually. Meaning interaction in Vvardenfell can become more difficult for me. As everybody probably knows: Factions make up a ton of Morrowind's population and most of the important characters. Being a Champion of the Ashlanders causes almost every faction to dislike you at least somewhat. Reason why: (Scroll down near the bottom to the red-white-green chart and look at the left-most tab). I'd like it if the Ahemussa chose a different way to show their appreciation to me after helping Julan recovering Han-Sashel's bones.

The damn thing mashti